Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the project located?
The study limits are along 18th Street Expressway (US-69) from Metropolitan Ave. to Osage Ave. in Kansas City, Kansas, and Wyandotte County.
Why is the project needed?
The bridge is nearing the end of its service life and any further rehabilitation beyond the repairs conducted in 2018 can no longer cost-effectively maintain this structure.
What improvements will be coming to the bridge and project area?
The 18th Street bridge will have a complete bridge replacement as well as KDOT will be implementing improvements to some of the adjacent bridges, roadway pavement, and roadside safety elements to make additional investments in the corridor and take advantage of the full closure.
What benefits will the new bridge provide?
The new bridge will use modern design standards, including new 10-feet wide exterior shoulders and 6-feet wide interior shoulders. It will also include visually appealing designs for the fencing over the railroad and the exterior concrete pattern. The pattern will be a stone pattern consistent with the Lewis and Clark Viaduct that connects KCK to Kansas City, Missouri. The consistency will help reduce costs associated with maintenance and will provide a similar look and feel throughout the area. KDOT will be implementing additional improvements in the corridor to utilize a full closure of 18th Street and improve motorists driving experience. These improvements will include roadway improvements along 18th Street just north and south of the river bridge and bridge rehabilitation on the 18th Street bridges over Ruby Ave., Metropolitan Ave., KCT Railroad and Osage Ave. See the full Bridge Design here.
What is the project status?
The final design phase will conclude in 2024 with construction projected to begin in 2025.
When will construction begin?
Construction is projected to begin in 2025.
How long will construction take?
It is estimated that the full closure will last 2 construction seasons or approximately 20 months.
Where will my detour be during construction?
Alternative detour routes will include I-35, I-635 and I-70. KDOT will provide updates prior to construction.
How will I get information about construction?
Click here to sign up for electronic project updates, delivered to your email.
How can I learn more about the project?
Stay up to date on the project by visiting the project website at or by signing up here for email updates.
How can I request information or comment on the project?
Please visit the Contact Us page to submit a comment or an email to the project team.
Will there be public meetings?
Yes, the project team will host a series of public meetings and presentations for interested stakeholders throughout the design process. If your organization is interested in a presentation, please submit a request through the Contact Us webpage.
What is KDOT’s plan for accommodating bicycles and pedestrians?
Since the 18th Street Expressway is a freeway that carries over 30,000 vehicles per day and has a posted speed of 55 mph, there are safety concerns with providing bike and pedestrian facilities directly on 18th Street. For this reason, KDOT recommends to not include bike and pedestrian facilities on 18th Street, but rather, continue working with the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, KS (UG), Mid-America Regional Council and other community partners to determine meaningful improvements on the routes identified in the current city-wide master plan developed by the UG. Click here to learn more.
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KDOT Project No. 69-105 KA-4881-02